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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 May 2007

Physio, amongst other things...


enjoyed the train trip to Sydney - a nice change from having to concentrate on driving...

got to my hotel in Thornleigh just on 5.15pm...had enough time for a shower and change of clothes before heading to the presentation dinner at Epping...

a good but long night...Fiona Crawford (Aussie softballer & Olympian) was the MC and Louise Sauvage was the guest speaker...

the RSL closed at midnight so a bunch of us kicked on at the Bayview in Gladesville before that closed at about 3am...most of them kicked on to the city while I headed back to my hotel, having to navigate the taxi driver there!


back in Canberra by 4:30pm then a relaxing night at home...


a bit of a sleep in before doing an elliptical session while watching a replay of the Adelaide/Collingwood match (go the 'pies!)...

Cross Trainer Stats:
time: 30:00
total strides: 3186
calories: 995

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 139
max HR: 158*

Time spent in HR Zones:
02:27 [Z1: 93-111]
02:01 [Z2: 111-130]
08:18 [Z3: 130-148]
15:07 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

went for a bike ride in the late afternoon to do a couple of new caches Suze had put out....did about 13k in around 40mins with 3 stops (2 caches and a stop at the oval where Hux was having a play-date with Bruce the lab)...

watched "Walk the Line" on Fox...enjoyed the move although I wasn't a fan of Johnny Cash...

and so to today...

had physio at 9.30am...my range of movement was checked and compared to my left (which is not necessarily any better!)...I actually have a greater range of stretch in my right achilles than I do in my left...

did some heel raises on a step (3 x 15 with 30sec rest in between)...I need to do these at least once a day...

did some static stretching before she compared my calves, the right as you'd expect is a little smaller although it was actually bigger than my left...the achilles stretching is now added to my daily routine as you'd expect...

she massaged the area before the session finished with 20mins on the inferential machine...

the most promising news is that it looks like I may be able to run in the City 2 Surf...woo hoo...

i did ask about cycling to/from work but she said to leave it until next week seeing as it's getting a bit of a workout this week...she was happy for me to keep up the elliptical sessions...

so my next physio session is Wednesday...

1 comment:

Aki said...

Keep going - I want to see you there this year at C2S.