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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 May 2007

No to The Dark Side...

today's water running session went well...

this time Tim had me warm up with 300m freestyle (no pull buoy) - hard taskmaster, I was only expecting 200m! - which went like this:

2 x 50m "my way"...
2 x 50m concentrating on slapping the water and bending the arm under my body with my hand square to the wall behind me (hard to explain but I was very uncoordinated at this one, threw my breathing out!)...
1 x 50m "3, 3, 6" which is 3 strokes left arm only (right arm straight out in front), 3 strokes right arm only (left arm straight out in front), 6 strokes as per normal...
1 x 50m "chicken wings" which focused on the recovery phase, having a high elbow as my thumb traced its way up my side to my armpit (hopefully you get the picture)...

i was well & truly warmed up after this...in fact I was breathing quite hard and almost cursing him!

then we did the water running as per last time...I was more co-ordinated and didn't need quite so many correction tips...mostly "shoulders back"& "relax the arms/hands"...I certainly felt better technically but it will be interesting to see how it translates to dry land...I worked pretty hard and didn't talk much other than when we were having little rests...

it was during this that I told Tim that I was not at all interested in going to "The Dark Side" of triathlon!...he gave me one of his evil looks!...

finished with 100 freestyle easy (2 x 50m with pull buoy), where I focused on "chicken wings"!

all up I think we went for about 55mins this time...

I think we will do this Wednesdays/Fridays as I forgot (?!) I had physio Mondays...

when I left the pool he was in the middle of doing 1k of kicking drills!

1 comment:

TD said...

I've been off the blogging scene for a while and come back to see you doing water running. That's interesting from my perspective, as I am also doing the same due to injury. Are you also injured?