About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 March 2007

"Mt Majura West"

this event was at Mt Majura West (just off Antill Street not far from the Federal Highway)...

the map said it was 7.4k with 15 controls but i think someone stuffed up as it was closer to 5.2k...it was also meant to be a teams event (3 people) with 2 to run on the Orange 1 course & 1 to run the Orange 2 course...we have elected to be "party poopers" and stick to running as a "group"..

Team Davcal returned to form on this flatter course with NO navigational errors! (yay)...

SportIdent controls were used at controls #4, 5, 8, 9, 12 & 13...so we were able to get a printout of those splits...will be able to compare to the others when those results are up...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 27.3/24%
start time: 5:30pm
total distance: 6.09
total time: 58:32
avg pace: 9:36
total calories: 355
avg/max HR: 147/167
finish temp/humidity: 26.1/26%

we finished off the afternoon/evening by finding two caches on the way home - the re-located "Chemical Fore!mulae" and a new called "Fore!gone Conclusion:...


here are the results from LAST week at Remembrance Park...winning times for each category:
  • Group - 69:31 (we were 3rd/5)
  • Male - Junior 35:44 Geoff Stacey (8 competitors)
  • Male - Open 34:08 Murray Scown (12)
  • Male - Masters 39:05 Geoff Lawford (28)
  • Female - Junior 50:03 Ineka Booth (5)
  • Female - Open 35:09 Anna Quayle
  • Female - Masters 49:13 Carol Harding (5)


tonight it's off to the Vets...main event for me will be the 5000m @ 8:15pm but will do the throws (javelin & discus, and maybe the hammer!)...

1 comment:

TD said...

Good luck at Vets and let us know how you went.