About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 February 2007

Mt Wanniassa...

Orange 1 = 5.4k, 12 controls...this one had an added twist with SportIdent controls used for controls #1 & #2...this was the longest leg on the course and there were two clear route choices (we took the "low" option) - split times were provided in the results...

"Team DavCal" had a minor problem with control #5 (we followed a watercourse too far before heading up hill) as you can see from the map...mind you we weren't the only ones that had the same problem finding that control!!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.9/47%
start time: 5:21pm:
total distance 6.82k
total time: 69:44
avg pace: 10:14 (12:55 for 5.4k)
total calories: 384
avg/max HR: 138/170
finish temp/humidity: 24.3/58%

Winning times for each category with best times in each category for Start-1, 1-2, 2-finish (not necessarily done by the category winners):

  • Group - 57:17 (we were 3rd/5)
    2:25, 9:32, 45:20 (our effort 2:30, 13:18, 53:56)
  • Male - Junior 41:22 Geoff Stacey (6 competitors)
    1:26, 6:20, 33:36
  • Male - Open 27:49 Julian Dent (18)
    1:13, 5:31, 20:47
  • Male - Masters 35:30 Trevor Jacobs (30)
    1:22, 6:01, 27:23
  • Female - Open 31:15 Anna Quayle (6)
    1:24, 6:06, 23:35
  • Female - Masters 43:27 Carol Harding (9)
    2:15, 8:18, 32:52

although we had a few drops of rain it was actually quite a pleasant afternoon to run...

and to round out the trip home, Jodie rescued another turtle from vehicular tragedy...this time from the middle of Majura Road...

tonight Jodie may be attending the Vets Track & Field meet...I'm planning on running the 2000m as well as competing in the javelin & shot put...I might be tempted to go in some of the shorter races to give Jodie a challenge!

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