About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 December 2006

Merry Christmas...

our testing of the new transport went well yesterday despite windy conditions...

we successfully completed three caches (1 on the water - "8 Ball" - & 2 on land - "Traumatised Tree" & "Missing Maze") before having a DNF on the fourth & final cache attempted ("Penninsula Puzzle")...

last night we continued our regular Christmas Eve trek to the movies, this time to see "Casino Royale"...

had our present opening ceremony this morning before Jodie headed to her mum's place then we all (including Hux!) trekked to mum & dad's for lunch...Jodie (& her mum) & Suze (& Hux) continued on to Jodie's brother's place...

i spent the rest of the afternoon/early evening with mum, dad & my brother before Suze picked me up around 8.30pm...

playing with a few of my "new" toys before heading to bed so i can get a good night's sleep before the Test starts!

i hope everyone had a Merry Christmas Day!!

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