About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 November 2006

Bike, laptop, short run...

that about sums up the past two days!

rode to work yesterday & i'm pretty sure i picked up a puncture within metres of finishing the trip...haven't gone back & checked yet as i didn't ride home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 7:20am
total distance: 15.52
total time: 43:49 (actual moving 42:36)
avg/max speed: 21.2/36.9kph
total calories: 465
avg/max HR: 97/128
avg cadence: 67
finish temp/humidity: -

i left the house before Suze returned with Hux but i did see them on my way around the pond...pretty clear run this morning but an ominous hissing sound on arrival...

been busy researching laptops on the 'net and finally decided which one i wanted to replace a very slow & old secondhand HP i have...made arrangements for super negotiator Suze to get me after work to go purchase it...

"Posture & Flexibility" was good, no Squashy Frog but lots of other interesting stretches!

i bought a Toshiba Satellite A100 (Intel Core Duo, 1.6Ghz, 512MB, 80GB, CD/DVD burner, 15.4" widescreen with XP Pro)...got a pretty good deal through Harvey Norman which included extended warranty, Internet Security software (Trend Micro PC-cillin) & a travel surge protector...

had no desire to see if i really had a flat tyre and wanted to play with the new toy so got a lift home with Suze...

got it all set up & running well...will make running my cricket stats programs (amongst other things!) so much faster...

had to go back to Harvey Norman this morning to exchange the travel surge protector as they'd given me a two-prong one instead of a three-prong one but no hassle there...

meant to do a 60min easy run at lunch but about halfway through had no desire to continue so returned to work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.2/22%
start time: 12:58pm
total distance: 8.44
total time: 46:50
avg pace: 5:33
total calories: 640
avg HR: 157
finish temp/humidity: 26.7/17%

net training this afternoon with a 20min fielding session at the end...

1 comment:

Aki said...

Probably a good thing you listened to your body, but I hope everything gets better with the bike and your motivation soon.