About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 November 2006

Back to the old course...

yesterday i represented my golf club in the Canberra Shield - teams of 8 from 8 clubs playing match play...lost my match 2/1 but it was a good game as for the most part we both played quite well...just beat the rain (some didn't)...

bought a snazzy bag for my new laptop after much searching...

played (poorly) at CyberBunker last night - overdoing the golf i think!

up early this morning for the Meteors fitness session...after our usual warm up jog (where i jumped in as many puddles as i could) we spent the rest of the session in the demountable gym doing lots of core work & lots of stretchng...

finally back to the old course at Customs and another fair turnout in quite humid conditions...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.2/59%
start time: 12:31pm
total distance: 5.04
total time: 23:12
avg pace: 4:36
total calories: 376
avg HR: 168
finish temp/humidity: 20.8/57%

1k splits: 4:29, 4:45, 4:45, 4:33, 4:33

no Jodie after this morning's session (& no Gordon either the slacker) while Flash Duck (in **very** bright orange shorts) was back from house/dog sitting in Sydney...

managed to not get passed by the first of the quicker guys until about the 3k mark...Demetrios did pass me at about 1k but he only started 15sec behind me & probably only finished 10secs in front...


the weekend ahead:
saturday - golf (early @ 7:05am!) + ?
sunday - ? maybe the Jogalong, maybe a longer run elsewhere....


Carolyne said...

Gotta keep Demetrious in check!!

If you think my shorts were bright, then you should have seen in (I don't think that you could miss me) in Black Mountain in those shorts and my new yellow shoes!!!

I missed Jodie at Customs. Is she OK?

Ewen said...

Very close to sub-23 again AR. I agree with Carolyne - time to put Demetrious back in his place!