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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 September 2006

Injury time out...

big turn out at Customs today to undertake a slightly shorter variation (making it an out & back run) on the course due to the fences for Floriade going up...next week we will be moving to our true "Floriade" course...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.8/50%
start time: 12:32pm
total distance: 4.96
total time: 23:20
avg pace: 4:44
total calories: 371
avg HR: 162
finish temp/humidity: 19.1/55%

1k splits: 4:31, 4:48, 4:48, 4:51, 4:31; out in 11:51, back in 11:39

bit of a headwind on the way out...Jodie managed another sub 30:00 time with 29:34 (streak now at 8)...

hampered today by a very sore left heel/ankle/calf...first noticed pain in my heel when i started net training with the ACT Meteors on Thursday 24 August...noticed it again on Sunday 27 August during the net session but again didn't bother me outside of that, all other running seemed to be unaffected...

flared up again last night at the net session and has been a constant ache since, right through this morning's running/abs session and then was quite painful at Customs...i'm now taking Voltaren Rapid & icing my ankle/heel (medially)...

so i have decided to skip my programmed running sessions this weekend (will ride my bike instead)...cricket training on sunday has also been cancelled so with monday being a rest day hopefully things will settle down...with one big run left, i'd hate to stuff anything up...

i'm thinking it's probably a combination of bowling (actually braking on the follow through) on the rebound ace surface at the mpowerdome (set up for tennis not cricket), slight different cross trainers for cricket than i am used to and tight spots in the calf...Jodie's booking me in to see James at Clinic 88 next Friday morning so he should be able to make sure i'm doing the right thing...


the weekend ahead:

?bike ride + golf + massage

?bike ride + ?geo-caching


TA and the Gnome said...

I hope the lay off does the trick. Be very kind to yourself.


Aki said...

Scary. I hope you recover soon. Do the voltarin gel and glad wrap and ice, with rest of course, it saved me from another bad injury not long ago.

Good luck.

Ewen said...

Take it easy AR. Heels can be bloody nasty things.

Well done to Jodie on another sub-30.

Gronk said...

Take care of that injury AR. Best of luck with your week ahead.