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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 September 2006

2 weeks until the Sydney Half...

Weekend wrap:

played crappy golf (just for something different!) but at least the weather was good if a little windy...

had my first leg massage in 3 weeks...noice...

watched "March of the Penguins" on DVD...

what weird weather...went out on my bike to accompany Jodie on her run, Hux was with us so my main job was to keep on eye on him...only incident was him deciding to jump in the pond near some reeds & needing Jodie's assistance to get back out (he jumped in off the wall, dopey boy)...she ended up ankle deep in the water as the reeds slowly sank...

then we went to watch Suze's basketball boys defeat Daramalan by 2 points in a match interrupted twice by a leaking roof (the match was finished on another court)...

did the grocery shopping and then after lazing around for a couple of hours went out to dinner with mum & dad for Fathers' Day at Rasa Sayang in Dickson...

as you can see there's no mention of any running there...i took my Voltaren Rapid as well as iced my heel a few times...i'll be back on the program tomorrow to see how it's all progressing...still have my appointment for 9.15am Friday morning @ Clinic 88...

so to this week's running schedule:

Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3k TT
Wednesday - easy 50mins
Thursday - 6x(2min/1minSR)
Friday - Customs
Saturday - easy 40mins
Sunday - easy 90mins

this week's cricket schedule:

Wednesday - 6.30-8.30pm @ mpowerdome
Friday - 7.00-8.00am @ Telopea Park/Manuka (running/abs)
Sunday - 1.00-3.00pm (venue TBC)

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