About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 September 2006

Easy 50mins...

a bit cooler today so it was back on with the thermal top to run...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.1/61%
start time: 12:40pm
total distance: 9.55k
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:14
total calories: 714
avg HR: 163
finish temp/humidity: 11.0/52%

jodie & i managed to cross paths twice as i ran from Civic over Commonwealth Ave bridge, around Lennox Gardens, along the flag side of lake BG, over Kings Ave bridge, back along the Commonwealth Park side of lake BG, and then back up Commonwealth Ave to work...jodie's loop went (from Barton) flag side of lake BG, Commonwealth Ave bridge, Commonwealth park side of lake BG, Kings Ave bridge...

no sharp pain from the heel (just a general ache) but tightness in my calf, so again iced afterwards...

the real test will be tonight's cricket training...


miners said...

thermal tops again!!! That's the last thing I'd want to see again up this way. No more winter please ...

good to see some of the girls chiming in with some correct movie titles!

Ewen said...

Watch the calf AR. They can be pesky animals.

Friar said...

Crossing paths sounds like an exercise in itself to organise.

Judging by the number of times it's done, I'd guess it's been carefully orchestrated.