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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 August 2006

Customs #60

don't know if this one continues my sub 22:30 streak - i had 22:29.53 on my watch which, of course, rounds up to 22:30!

another big turnout...bit windy around the lake's edge...wind speed 13-14kts, gusts up to 18kts...

Jodie managed another solid run 29:16...she was off 7:15 while i was eased back to 13:30 (yes, that's a minute softer than 2 weeks ago, go figure!)...

FlashDuck held the clock...Peter the PRB ran again...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 11.5/50%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.0k
total time: 22:30
avg pace: 4:30
total calories: 374
avg HR: 166 << lower than normal, obviously wasn't working hard enough!
finish temp/humidity: 11.9/49%

1k splits: 4:25, 4:36, 4:36, 4:34, 4:17

made the turn in 11:23 so finished in 11:07 & at least i had a good finishing split...

Rad finished 2nd in his age group at the World Duathlon Champs in Canada...


bit of excitment at the end...FlashDrake & i noticed a bloke dressed in businesswear (without the jacket) running in with the finishers, he then veered off to the right towards the end of the toilet block...i didn't think much of it other than it was odd gear to be running in!...shortly after a casually dressed guy approached & asked if we'd seen a guy run past saying something about an assault - i asked if he was wearing shirt, pants etc, he said yes & i said which way he went ...he went around the end of the toilet block looking for him while he was on the phone...not long after 3 police appeared & spoke to the casually dressed guy...meanwhile FlashDrake asked the group if anyone had seen where the businessman went, a few said something about the ladies toilets...Jodie went to check (she'd been in there earlier & thought i was in there) and out popped this guy who i'm sure would have run again if the police hadn't been there...Jodie yelled out there he is & the police came & spoke to him...in the end there were about 7 police there so i don't know how serious the assault was, maybe it'll be in the news?


weekend ahead:
saturday - easy 40mins + golf
sunday - 5hr metrogaine (Jodie reckons we could cover 40+k...we'll see as a lot depends on our navigation skills!)


Aki said...

Counts as sub 22:30, it wasn't a bit over the other direction of 22:30. :)

TD said...

That was an exciting finish to the race, and a bizarre one to say the least. Think maybe I need to get along to some of the Customs races; more fun than sitting at my work station getting bored.

Friar said...

If he had run again, there were enough of us around to chase him and "Speedy" enough to catch him.