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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

11 August 2006

C2S here we come...

first things first…

got up at 6.10am to go (on my bike) with Suze & Hux on their morning ride/walk so i could take some photos for my course assignment (landscapes)...we headed back to our old stomping ground out the back of Amaroo...

got myself all set up to start taking shots when my alkaline batteries ran out...not to worry, thought that might happen…put the new rechargeable batteries in but no power (later Suze told me i probably need to wiggle the batteries a bit to get them to charge properly, hindsight is a great tool)...d'oh...the light would have been perfect & i'm sure i would have produced lots of nice shots...

meanwhile Hux was busy playing with one his best mates - Muscat (unknown breed)...we moved to the ovals and then Molly (border collie) appeared & just as we were leaving Harvey (white lab) appeared...i'd show you what they all look like but...!

back home in time to catch my usual bus...at work i charged 2 sets of batteries using both Suze's & my chargers...Suze's worked like a charm but mine needed some fiddling before it worked properly (i hope!)...we plan to head back out tomorrow morning before my scheduled run...

Customs Joggers run #61 saw us graced with almost perfect "C2S" weather...sunny blue skies with nary a breath of wind...we even had a group of kids clapping & cheering us home on the Regatta Point side of the bridge!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.2/51%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.0k
total time: 21:50 (!!)
avg pace: 4:22
total calories: 373
avg HR: 176
finish temp/humidity: 12.4/46%

another big turnout with a handful of new faces but no Jodie as she's been crook since Tuesday (& was, amazingly, doing the sensible thing!)...

my handicap was a more realistic 13:45...apparently the handicappers are working off 36:00 to get everyone home now instead of 35:00...

no one close to chase this week so i just tried to be consistent although i did get off to a flying start as i wanted to beat one of the maintenance trucks onto the bike path!

Chris E started about 45secs in front (i think) and i seemed to be maintaining pace with him...just after 2k Gabby passed me going the other way so i made it a goal to try & catch her...which i managed to do with about 500m to go...this also saw my close the gap to Chris…

i actually passed him at Regatta Pt but he passed me back down the finishing hill as i went my usual wider route around the gardens...

made the turn in 10:55 so managed to do a nice even run for the first time...my splits were: 4:14, 4:24, 4:28, 4:20, 4:24...

this was my 5th time under 22:00 but my first since mid-June...it ranks #4 in my Customs runs...

can't ask for much better preparation for the C2S can i?!


the weekend ahead:

saturday - run + golf + drive to Sydney with mum & dad + dinner with brother (who has a preferred start courtesy of his 54:41 from the A1 start last year)
sunday - C2S #4! + post-race catch up with CRs & Customs Joggers/find family(!) + drive home

1 comment:

Aki said...

That was a solid run which will show results on Sunday, good on you, you've been training hard.