About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 August 2006

1 week to C2S/6 weeks to Sydney Half...

this week's schedule:

Monday - rest
Tuesday - 4k @ 10k race pace
Wednesday - easy 50mins
Thursday - 6 x (500m/ample recovery)
Friday - Customs
Saturday - easy 40mins
Sunday - C2S!


speedygeoff said...

OK allrounder - there will be no customs challenge from me this week. Random start times put paid to my intentions last week!
I will just try for a new pb, hoping you are the same as a final C2S confidence booster.

Gronk said...

You call that a taper ? LOL. Gee you work hard AR. You put me to shame you know ! Hope to see you sometime over the day on Sunday. :)