About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 July 2006

Easy 70...

had a sleep in this morning before heading out for my run...ran along the "new" Gundaroo Rd before heading down the "old" Gundaroo Rd towards the Mulligans Flat Reserve car park before re-tracing my steps...then did a loop of Yerrabi Pond to finish...while the sun was out it was still quite cool and fairly windy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 7.4/62%
start time: 10:51am
total distance: 12.90k
total time: 1:10:00
avg pace: 5:25
total calories: 969
avg HR: 154
finish temp/humidity: 8.9/59%

rounded out the day by playing a practice round at Belconnen...only 7 over on the front but blew out on the back to finish 23 over...

tomorrow i'm taking my parents caching after my run session...

1 comment:

Aki said...

I'm liking the Mulligan's Flat area, nice place to run, although I don't do it often due to the feeling of isolation there.

Looks like you had a great trip to Sydney! Quite an adventure indeed! :)