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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 June 2006

Australia are through...

what a bizarre match...i think the ref (& his assistants) has cost himself a chance of any further matches...how did they miss the rugby tackle on Viduka (by Simunic) in the first half and the handball by Tomas (the same player who handballed in the first) in the second??

a Croatian goal in the first 2 minutes from an excellent free kick by Srna, then Moore equalises from the spot in the 38th for either a foul on Cahill or a handball (take your pick)...Croatia hit the lead again in the 56th minute with what has to be the weakest goal of the comp to Kovac - what was Kalac doing??...he is such a loose cannon (rushing off his line into congestion, nearly fumbling the ball into goal & throwing the ball to the opposition...), i sincerely hope Schwarzer is back for the Italy match...then Kewell equalises from an offside position in the 79th minute...

8 yellow cards (or was it 9?!) and 3 red...btw, the official FIFA match report only shows 2 yellow to Simunic...

ignoring patriotic allegiances (!), i think the right team is through to the round of 16...it's a shame we lose Emerton for this one but his first yellow was his own silly mistake...

tune in, 12.30am Tuesday morning v Italy @ Kaiserslautern!


speedygeoff said...

Darn, we lose more sleep.

Friar said...

Great match report.
You've got talents in writing as well as running.

Friar said...

Red Cards should be issued by FIFA to Referees who don't perform to the standards.

Of course with fewer matches in the second round, only the best performing referees should be chosen.