About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 June 2006

4k @ HM Race Pace...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.6/49%
start time: 12:50pm
total distance: 8.86k
total time: 50:49
total calories: 668
avg HR: 154
finish temp/humidity: 11.2/45%

lap details:
light stretching116

my aim as stated yesterday was to run around 4:45-4:50 pace so very happy to achieve that...by comparison, before the Canberra HM, i did 4k in 20:32 @ 5:08 pace...


CR Puntermatt has offered to unofficially pace a CR sub 1:45 group for the second year in a row...he's a part of Pat Carroll's Running Group and will have two of his teammates from there running as well...after reading his "ad", i've opted to join him...this is his plan for the race:

"We need to allow for the possibility of the big field making for a slow start so will allow for a 10:30 split for the first two k's then I will be aiming to average between 4:55 and 4:57 the remainder of the way, depending upon how those first 2k's go. Last year, that was not a problem. After the first 2k's I will try to keep the range of splits as narrow as possible - ideally between 4:48 and 5:03. Assuming a slow start of 10:30 and an avg of 4:55 per k this leaves us with a race time of something like:

1-2k - 10:30
3-21k - 1:33:25
21-21.0975 - :30
FINAL TIME - 1:44:25"

sounds like a good plan to me!

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