parkrun #257 (Riverbank #18)
start temp/humidity: 9.7/80% (apparent temp 7.8)
start time: 8:00am
total distance: 5.02
total time: 35:39
avg pace: 7:06
total calories: 473
avg HR: 151
TE: 3.7
Recovery HR: 117/42
BPK: 1072
avg cadence: 168
1k splits: 7:14, 6:48, 7:09, 7:20, 7:03, 0:06
30th out of 39...48.85%...13th female out of 20...2nd 50-54 out of 2...
Tuesday's run, got out a bit later than intended, was warm...
start temp/humidity: 23.1/41% (apparent temp 21.1)
start time: 2:04pm
total distance: 4.36
total time: 31:03
avg pace: 7:08
total calories: 375
avg HR: 140
TE: 3.2
Recovery HR: 124/25
BPK: 999
avg cadence: 167
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