About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

10 January 2010

First HM of 2010...

up @ 5:40am and down to the start by 6:30am...the race got underway just after 7am as the starter waited for a few people still using the facilities...!

the run starts with 2 loops of the Cadbury Sportsground (2.5k in total) before heading out - this year the route turned left toward the Derwent Entertainment Centre turn instead of right up to the 10 Mile Hill turn...

the first 14ks are predominantly downhill so that means, yes, the last 7ks are predominantly uphill, including a steep one to the finish!

I managed to cheer on Bruce G (3rd in the HM) and Scott Mc (several times!, 1st in record time in the M)...also Carol M, Sue A, Andina F, Clare W as well as "high fiving" Jodie (I was at about 11k, she at 8k)...

there were heaps of CRs out on the course...plus Suze had come with us and popped up at the 15k mark having walked from the start!...she made it back to the finish before me but missed seeing me cross the line (1:48:18)...it was good to see Jodie cross in 2:26:54 as it got progressively warmer...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.2/75% (rising to 17.5/61%)
start time: 7:02am
total distance: 21.28
total time: 1:48:18
avg pace: 5:05
total calories: 1112
avg HR*: 165

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:25 [Z2: 111-130]
00:28 [Z3: 130-148]
86:44 [Z4: 148-167]
25:52 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits (Garmin):
5:03, 4:39, 4:40, 4:47, 4:58
4:56, 5:00, 5:02, 4:58, 5:00
5:04, 5:05, 5:07, 5:15, 5:14
5:10, 5:28, 5:30, 5:11, 5:35
5:20, 1:16

5k splits (Garmin):
24:08, 24:55, 25:44, 26:53, 6:36

10k splits (Garmin):
49:03, 52:37, 6:36

we hit the Cadbury shop after posing for age group photos and then headed back to the hotel...

the rest of the day was spent caching until an early dinner at Hog's Breath where Jelena Dokic and her coach & her boyfriend arrived later sitting at the table next to us (apparently they'd been in each day for the last 4 days!)...


speedygeoff said...

Love the photo. I know now why I need to visit Hobart again. Did you bring any caramel koalas back for the speedygeese?

Ewen said...

Jodie's CR shirt matches the chocolates ;) Well done to you both - doesn't sound like an easy course! I'll back Tim in the sprints tonight ;)

allrounder said...

I think there are some Caramello Koalas in my possession...

strewth said...

You did well - congratulations to you both. It's a great photo and it sounds like a good location for a Half - the choccies later would definitely make up for the hills!