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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

26 July 2008

Another draw

thanks to a work planning half day, I didn't get to yesterday's Customs run which is probably just as well because I was feeling quite tired...

went to the movies and saw "Mamma Mia" which was a hoot!

today we played arch-rivals Belconnen at ADFA and would you believe we had another draw?!...3-4 (22) apiece...bizarre...

went and watched our men play at Stirling v Murrumbidgee...the 2s won by 105pts while the 1s scraped in with a 6pt win...

I wonder if I can stay awake long enough to see Cadel ride??

I will be doing the Mt Taylor Handicap tomorrow...

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