About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

11 May 2007


had a meeting at lunchtime yesterday with the new ACT Meteors coach, ACT Cricket's High performance manager and Jodie (who will officially be assistant coach this year) to discuss the approach for the coming season...the plan is that I will be involved again in a playing/mentoring role...hopefully I'll be right to play if I do all the right things for my heel...I'm planning on another season (#16) in Sydney so fingers crossed!...this year the CA Cup is to be held in Canberra...

last night's elliptical session was gain done while watching the Channel 9 news...

Cross Trainer Stats:
time: 35:00
total strides: 3710
calories: 1159

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 135
max HR: 149

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:27 [Z1: 93-111]
08:33 [Z2: 111-130]
25:36 [Z3: 130-148]
00:00 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

almost identical to Wednesday's session although this time I managed to keep my HR no higher than Z3...

got my last bill in the mail directly relating to the surgery - my excess for the hospital accommodation...so far, since mid-December, I've had 5 visits to 2 doctors, an MRI, the surgery itself, crutch hire, purchase of a walking boot and 2 physio visits which has cost just over $6100 of which, thanks to my health fund, I've only had to pay just over $2500...

today the plan is to head over to Commonwealth Park for the 1500th staging of the Customs Joggers run...I was going to walk the 5k today but will probably just hold the watch...

no plans to do an elliptical session tonight as we will be busy preparing for the Brindabella Bridesmaid's Bash...

the legs should get a good workout tomorrow morning (7:30am) as I'll be hiking in the Rob Roy Nature Reserve as part of a caching game called River Deep Mountain High before heading back to Civic to help out at the Mini Jog/Fun Run as part of the Canberra Half Marathon weekend...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Thanks for giving us a yell in the 5k yesterday - I was really starting to struggle.

Good news about running the City to Surf! Also, I'm impressed if you got the cache at the top of Rob Roy - that's quite a climb.