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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 April 2007

Frozen meals...

Friday night ended with a close win by the Brumbies over the Force then the completion of a cache at 10:20pm which had taken 5 days for various reasons, not least some stuff ups by the cache-setter!


the late finish to the night before meant I hadn't done my elliptical session so I did one in the morning...

Cross Trainer stats:
time: 30:00
total strides: 3242
calories: 1013 (I still haven't figured out what calculation they use to get this!)

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 160
max HR: 174

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:25 [Z1: 93-111]
00:22 [Z2: 111-130]
04:25 [Z3: 130-148]
12:51 [Z4: 148-167]
11:51 [Z5: 167-185]

did a little bit of housework before catching the bus over to Kingston to catch the second half of Jodie's (umpiring) match between Eastlake and Goulburn in the Canberra District 2nd Division...

just about the first time I've had to catch a bus on a weekend - took 40mins to get to Civic then a wait of nearly 40mins there before catching the next one to Kingston...I left home at 11:25am and arrived at Kingston Oval (after walking from Kingston shops) at 1:08pm!!

after that we went to the golf club to catch up with Suze...

dinner at Gungahlin Lakes completed the day...


yesterday walked the course at Yowani as Belconnen defeated Moss Vale 4-1 to progress to the grand final next week at Federal against Queanbeyan...

the walk certainly taxed the foot as I accompanied the first group with the #1 & #2 matches with the occasional track back/across etc to find out how the #s 3, 4 & 5 were going...play was slow so it was quite a long day...

it was quite a tight match overall with no more than 1 shot to be given/received in four of the individual matches and none in the other match...(in match play the lower handicap player in a match gives shots to their opponent based on the difference in their handicaps)...three of the matches finished on the 17th while two finished on the 18th...

Suze then had to pack for her trip back home to Adelaide as she had to be at the airport by 5ish...

Jodie & I did the shopping on the way home from the airport - quite funny really as we stocked up on healthy frozen meals as Suze is the one responsible for the cooking (I'm the "sous chef" & washer-upperer)...actually more tragic than funny!

elected not to do an elliptical session as my foot was quite fatigued from the golf...


the plan is to do an elliptical session after work...

went for a walk at lunchtime, nothing major...checked my cache to see that all was well...

counting down the days until I go to the doctor again...

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