About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 April 2007


finally some excitement in my life!

yes, the cast is gone...and I am now wearing a walking boot...

yesterday I got to see the new look heel and while the whole area is still swollen it looks almost "normal" with a sock on....and it was an arrow he drew on my leg (I'd only been able to see the end of a black stripe!)...

for the next two weeks I have to sleep with the boot on...I can shower (without the boot of course) but not weight bear...I can walk as much as I like and do some gentle stretching of the area...the stitches are dissolvable ones...

my next appointment is in 4 weeks so I will have a better idea then of what I'll be able to do and when...

I have added some photos below - they may be a bit gory to some...I took them as soon as I got home (so before cleaning it up)...

My heel viewed laterally or from the outside...

My heel viewed medially or from the inside...

My heel viewed from the rear...


TD said...

I think I have a strong stomach Allrounder but those photos are certainly of the more "interesting" variety.

Your right, though, the heel does look normal and the medicos look like they have done a good job. All the best to you for your recovery and I look forward to more progress reports.

R2B said...

Thats great that your on the mend!!

Hope to here of full recovery soon!


Ewen said...

Glad it's well past my dinner time!

All the best for a speedy recovery AR. The winter season has only just begun :)