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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 March 2007

"Mt Rogers"...

well, the predicted storm didn't occur so we got to complete this course in quite humid conditions...

once again as "Team Davcal" we managed to make our way around the Orange 1 course (4.8k) which had 20 controls and had as criss-crossing Mt Rogers...we (I mean me!) did have two navigation errors going from 11 to 12 & then from 15 to 16...we followed a trail (to the left of the trail we should have taken) which wasn't actually marked on the map even though it was quite well defined, we ended up at 13 instead of 12 (an easily rectified mistake)...from 15 to 16 we were expecting to cross two trails before angling into 16 but one of the trails we crossed (admittedly not as well defined as others) wasn't marked on the map even though we counted it as the first trail...this had us short of where we needed to be but again that was easily fixed although not as quickly as the first error...

we were never lost just not where we expected to be!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.1/82%
start time: 5:32pm
total distance: 5.97
total time: 59:31
avg pace: 9:58
total calories: 341
avg/max HR: 142/164
finish temp/humidity: 19.7/80%

Winning times for each category on Orange 1:

  • Group - 45:35 (we were 2nd/4)
  • Male - Junior 32:33 Michael Pfeiffer (3 competitors)
  • Male - Open 22:56 Julian Dent (18)
  • Male - Masters 26:48 Trevor Jacobs (22)
  • Female - Junior 35:43 Ineka Booth (5)
  • Female - Open 36:08 Heather Logie (3)
  • Female - Masters 41:02 Carol Harding (3)
Trevor passed on his way to 7 as we were heading to 12 (he caught us just after 14) then Julian passed on his way to 7 as we were heading to 15 (he caught us just after 18)...made us seem like we were standing still!

after orienteering we collected a new cache just off Horse Park Drive ("To be Encompassed by the Brilliant Earth II") & got to meet a fellow cacher who pulled in just after we did - Captain Tomato...then it was off home for dinner...

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