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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 January 2007

A good all-round weekend...


managed to come 2nd in the golf by playing exactly to my handicap then later on was, with Jodie, the First To Find Suze's new cache ("Chemical Fore!mulae")...


did a cache ("Picture This (2): Cryptic") at Rookwood Cemetery on the way to cricket then played a part in inflicting the first loss upon UTS Balmain, the league leaders...we made 6/175 and then dismissed them for 162...batted for almost 47 overs in the heat & humidity to make 59 (i'm definitely not a flashy opener!), had a bit of luck along the way with edges not going to hand except when i was eventually out!...

tried for 3 more caches in Sydney without luck before heading home...it was a long trip with a couple of stops due to fatigue!


managed to ride into work albeit a little later than usual (by 9am)...my body is still feeling the effects of yesterday's match...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.4/69%
start time: 8:13am
total distance: 15.47
total time: 41:31 (actual moving 40:09)
avg/max speed: 22.4/38.8kph
total calories: 465
avg/max HR: 117/146
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 19.2/65%

this is post #500!

1 comment:

TA and the Gnome said...

Sounds like a satisfying weekend all round. It's always nice to play well against the top team.

Hope the tiredness goes soon.