start temp/humidity: 13.3/34%
start time: 1:14pm
total distance: 8.71
total time: 51:16
total calories: 655
avg HR: 158
finish temp/humidity: 15.4/30%
lap details:
Time | Distance | AvPace | AvHR | Recovery | AvRHR |
10:00 | 1.90k | 5:16 | 205(?!) | ||
light stretching | 123 | ||||
6x80m building from 75% to 100% | |||||
1:30 | 333m | 4:30 | 144 | JR1:30 | 151 |
1:30 | 343m | 4:22 | 161 | JR1:30 | 159 |
1:00 | 203m | 4:54 | 158 | JR1:00 | 158 |
1:00 | 223m | 4:29 | 162 | JR1:00 | 162 |
1:00 | 230m | 4:20 | 158 | JR1:00 | 160 |
1:00 | 220m | 4:32 | 160 | JR1:00 | 162 |
0:30 | 118m | 4:13 | 163 | JR0:30 | 166 |
0:30 | 113m | 4:26 | 163 | JR0:30 | 165 |
0:30 | 115m | 4:21 | 164 | JR0:30 | 164 |
0:30 | 122m | 4:04 | 163 | JR0:30 | 163 |
0:15 | 54m | 4:39 | 160 | JR0:15 | 160 |
0:15 | 57m | 4:22 | 158 | JR0:15 | 161 |
0:15 | 54m | 4:35 | 159 | JR0:15 | 162 |
0:15 | 56m | 4:25 | 161 | JR0:15 | 165 |
10:00 | 1.75k | 5:43 | 151 |
quite windy out there today, so much so that i got thoroughly soaked by the water from the Captain Cook Memorial Jet!...15-17kts with gusts up to 25kts...most of the efforts were done into the wind so i'm fairly pleased with the outcome...
ran past the transition area (Rond Terrace) for the Triathlon World Champs which are taking place on Sunday...saw a few competitors out riding/running on the course...hope the weather is kind to them on the day!...good luck to FlashDrake & all the other Aussies!
looks like we'll actually be in the nets @ Manuka tonight in spite of yesterday's rain...
1 comment:
Still going well there AR!
How is the geocaching?
Have you found any goodies of late?
I will have to make the effort to come down for one of the numerous fantastic sounding races you have there.
Cheers R2B
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