About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

26 July 2006

Virtual self rested...

while actual self kept running (after the shock of seeing my lead over VP evaporate in a matter of seconds!)...

according to my Garmin, which i was using in VP mode, my virtual self took a rest just before the 6k mark before starting running again around the 7.5k mark...when i uploaded to Training Centre, i had recorded a run of 6.73k in 50mins at 7:25 pace , "thanks" to a 20:01 6th k...bizarre!

fortunately SportTracks was on the ball, with only a couple of minor route edits required...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.4/54%
start time: 1:14pm
total distance: 9.73k
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:08
total calories: 730
avg HR: 159
finish temp/humidity: 14.7/51%

it was a lovely day for a run, almost spring-like although you wouldn't have picked it happening this morning when everything was shrouded in a thick fog...

a really good session even though i ran faster than my "normal" easy pace, it still felt easy...


R2B said...

Hi AR did your garmin have the "stop if below XX pace" function on?
It used to happen to me also.

Ps Good luck with A and B goals for C2S!Are CR's meeting somewhere after the race?


Aki said...

I've got the race numbers, and I can drop them off to you tomorrow night a bit after 8:15 when I finish work. Could you e-mail your address to akipk@yahoo.com

It was a beautiful day indeed, although still muddy!