About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 July 2006

Gave myself a thrashing today...

well, that's what it felt like anyway!

the day started with me ignoring the alarm @ 6:15am to give myself an extra 15mins in bed this morning before taking Hux for a walk up to the ovals again...one more walk tonight and then it'll be Suze back on duty!

the thrashing was as a result of today's "faster" session...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 13.2/50%
start time: 1:18pm
total distance: 9.79k
total time: 59:43
total calories: 750
avg HR: 151
finish temp/humidity: 14.0/36%

lap details:
light stretching108
6x80m 75-100% with walk recovery

i reckon i sounded like a steam train at the end of each effort & i really had to suck in the big ones during the recoveries...in the last 1k effort i felt like i was running on the spot but i still managed to go quicker than my average 5k pace so i'm pretty pleased with that but i may well pay for this session tomorrow at Customs!

for comparison, i previously did this session on 2 March (that long ago??!) & the corresponding times were 9:04, 4:43, 2:15, 2:18, 4:50...

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