About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

12 July 2006

Easy 70...

the whitecaps were back on the lake today...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.1/41%
start time: 12:36pm
total distance: 13.16
total time: 1:10:00
avg pace: 5:19
total calories: 988
avg HR: 155
finish temp/humidity: 12.0/34%


last night we put together a program for Jodie (she wanted some more structure to her running)...basically 4 running sessions (1 faster session + 2 easy runs + Customs) to fit in with her "cross-training" (pump, spin, footy training etc)...so today she used her Virtual Partner for the first time (40:00 @ 6:40 pace) and i'm happy to report that she thumped him (target: 6.00k, completed: 6.21k)!...her quote "i found i worked harder 'cause it was watching me" ...what a crack up!

we also managed to co-ordinate our runs again to cross paths twice...

Jodie's upcoming events are: 2nd leg of the Bush Marathon Relay (5.8k), the Sydney Running Festival Family Fun Run (3.8k) plus (maybe!) the Sri Chinmoy 10k on the October Long Weekend...

1 comment:

Aki said...

Woohoo! Go the SC10k Jodie!