About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 July 2006

Easy 50mins + golf...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -1.0/96%
start time: 8:30am
total distance: 9.03k
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:32
total calories: 675
avg HR: 145
finish temp/humidity: 0.4/95%

quite cool & very foggy...couldn't see the other side of the pond, in fact couldn't even see more than 5m or so from the water's edge...decided to vary my route to add more hills in preparation for the C2S (my 4th consecutive one)...

had another play with the camera at the golf course...this time on the "scenery" setting:
this is a view down the 1st (par 5) taken at about 10am (!) and, yes, that tree is smack bang in the middle, just before the start of the fairway...
this one of the views towards the Brindabellas...
here's another view down the 1st taken at about 3.15pm...


Friar said...

Only very brave people go out in that sort of temperature in the morning.

Conditions in the afternoon were far better than in the morning.

Lots of runners at the Cross Country Event in Weston Park in the arvo, the Coffee afterwards was very welcome.

Aki said...

Holy cow! No wonder I was cold! Seems you were 30 mins braver than me, good on you!