About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 July 2006

70k plus...

easily the most ks i've done in a week and i certainly felt that in the second part of my long run today...

hit the road just after 8am to do my run in the rain...decided to change things up be doing a "progression" run...

the stats:
start time: 8:07am
total distance: 8.93k
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:36
total calories: 668
avg HR: 151

split the time into 3rds (16:40) and aimed for 5:50/5:20/4:50 pace...actually went a bit slower in the final outcome but i'll get better:

Time Dist. Pace AvgHR
16:40 2.67k 6:14 140
16:40 2.97k 5:37 151
16:40 3.29k 5:04 163

cancelled golf due to the weather, turns out no-one played anyway

went caching instead with Suze, her mum & her husband (visiting from Adelaide)...found two (Tourist Tours & Pole Position - one a multi & one a traditional but both very cool)...

saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest last night...enjoyed it but not as much as the first one...

ending up being a slow long run...particularly in the second half...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 8.2/98%
start time: 8:38am
total distance: 20.67k
total time: 2:00:00
avg pace: 5:48
total calories: 1551
avg HR: 147
finish temp/humidity: 9.6/91%

cricket training was good - worked on back foot drives, cuts & a little on pulls...

now about to head to Sydney, no access to the interent so probably won't update until Tuesday night...


TD said...

Congratulations on getting to 70ks, Allrounder. That's a very solid effort. My family also saw the Johnny Deb pirates movie. They liked it too, although like you preferred the first one too.

Gronk said...

Hey big weekend AR ! Nice pace for a 20km LSD. :)