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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 June 2006

A controlled Customs...

only because i didn't run a fast first 1k as per usual due to FlashDuck yelling at me after i wheel spun in the newly laid gravel at the start!

FlashDrake started 15 secs ahead and i managed to maintain that gap until about halfway when he went into afterburner mode...Aki was ahead of him for some reason (i think she was meant to start behind me but may have been doing a second lap??)...

Jodie, in her new Mizuno Wave Rider 9s, was smoking the course as she set a new PB of 28:11!...i, on the other hand, managed to extend merely extend my sub 22:30 streak...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 11.0/74%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.01
total time: 22:04
avg pace: 4:24
total calories: 374
avg HR: 170
finish temp/humidity: 11.0/74%

was a weird run for me, i think starting slower threw me off as i was disappointed to make the turn at 10:59 however i kicked myself up the butt and ran what i think is my fastest second half with 11:05 (certainly the least amount of diference i've had between out & back)...surprisingly i was quite even paced (for a change!)...

1k splits: 4:22, 4:22, 4:28, 4:27, 4:25...

no work in the afternoon as my branch was moved floors yet again (and for the final time i hope)...so dropped off the excess maps from Night O back to the office in Jamison...went to the Runners Shop where i tried on a couple of pairs of off-road shoes...went to check out Amart at Tuggeranong (waste of time except i got lunch)...back to the Runner Shop to purchase a pair of Brooks Adrenalin ASRs (see below) and a pair of Skins (my old ones were all stretched and useless after about 4 years or so of use)...

i hope to do some more off-road runs as well as use these for orienteering

over to mum & dad's to get my golf clubs and then, finally, back home...phew...


the (long) weekend ahead:

saturday - easy 40mins + golf
sunday - easy 120mins + golf
monday - geo-caching?!

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