About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 November 2012

Farrer Ridge


ride to work was ok...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.8/73% (apparent temp 12.1)
start time: 8:27am
total distance: 12.06
total time: 29:50 (including 3:08 stopped time)
avg speed: 24.3kph
total calories: 396

Jodie picked me up for O...we did the Orange 1 course...16 controls...Jodie was my shadow as a refresher for her to go it alone for future events...

start temp/humidity: 22.1/37% (apparent temp same)
start time: 5:57pm
total distance: 5.56 (5.10 "as the crow flies")
total time: 69:13
avg pace: 10:32
total calories: 595
avg HR: 136

splits: 2:29, 10:41, 3:19, 3:56, 2:34, 7:02, 12:37, 1:20, 3:18, 2;59, 3;51, 3:32, 2:42, 3:18, 1:34, 1;46, 2:17

attempted two caches after O..couldn't find the first one and eventually found the second one...the streak continues...


did another walk/run session at lunch...24.1/29%...

5min brisk walk to warm up followed by 3min walking/2min running x6

  • 5min warm up - 622m
  • 3min walk / 2min run x6
  • 355/435
  • 342/453
  • 348/433
  • 345/441
  • 346/418
  • 353/407

we head to Sydney after work tomorrow for Saturday's Urban Max adventure...might save my legs for that effort...

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