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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 April 2011

Wide weekend of sport...


ride to gym/gym/ride to work...seeing a pattern yet?!

decided not to run Customs - this is the 3rd week in a row of not doing it - with a full weekend ahead...


early start with new team rules requiring all players to be at the ground 90mins before the start...

called past another place in Harrison to have a look at the outside...Suze was going to the inspection on my behalf (during footy) and to lodge an application if it was suitable...I think it has the same builder as the one I got knocked back for in Casey...Suze was first in and, after checking the place out, apparently surprised the agent with the application...with the vacancy market low, I've offered a little more than the rent asked, so hopefully I might stand a chance this time...

footy was against Eastlake at Kingston...Helen L's daughter was playing on the other team (her first senior game after playing U18s last season) and fortunately we didn't come into contact (literally)...Eastlake are a very good side and despite having some new players beat us 80 odd to nil...however, this is a MASSIVE improvement on our part as last year they beat us 154-0...we have about 10 or so new players ourselves and consider that we won the 3rd quarter as we restricted them to just two points...

from footy to baseball...

unfortunately we couldn't defended our title, going down 15-9 to our other Ainslie-Gungahlin team, the Red Bears...they batted very well and didn't make as many mistakes as us in the field...I was a little disappointed with my game (especially a couple of decisions I made while fielding that were as a result of lack of game knowledge)...it was nice, however, to see four of my footy teammates show up and watch some of the game...

then it was back home to shower and change for a night out with the baseball team...we had dinner at The London Burger & Beers before some of us (me) headed home while the rest kicked on...


the ACTEWAGL Women & Girls Fun Run/Walk took place this morning from Stage 88...I got there with enough time to pick up my timing chip and go for a jog of about 1k (wow, more warming up!) before taking a position relatively close to the start...

we got underway about 5mins late...I made sure I was wide on the first turn before getting into stride...my first k was a bit quick (a la Customs) by the other four were still a good pace for me...good to see lots of familiar faces amongst the spectators and volunteers...I got to say hi to Bob P, Ken W (twice), Ewen, the Cullen boys, Mick H, as well as the runners I knew ahead of me at the turn...

Nadine passed me not long after the first k and I tried to keep her within sight...Pam M also passed me after the second k...with these two in front I had some targets and I was surprised to reel Pam in with about a k to go (she must be running something long soon!)...I picked up another runner with about 800m then Nadine was in front of me but I just couldn't bridge the gap...

I was very pleased to cross the finish in around 22:37 which is my fastest 5k for quite awhile...hopefully I can maintain this purple patch of running into next Sunday's HM...

I thought the day ran pretty well for Kym C in her first role as event manager/director...

there was a gathering of the usual suspects after the run before heading home...I was planning to do a 60min easy run this afternoon but I think I'll just go for a ride with Suze and Hux instead...my body is feeling pretty battered!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 13.0/75%
start time: 9:05am
total distance: 5.11
total time: 22:37
avg pace: 4:26
total calories: 240
avg HR*: 169

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:09 [Z2: 112-130]
00:14 [Z3: 131-148]
07:20 [Z4: 149-167]
13:48 [Z5: 168-185]

1.01k* garmin splits: 4:14, 4:36, 4:28, 4:36, 4:33, 0:10
* distance to better reflect where the markers were, which was pretty close

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