About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 April 2011

The Marathon des Sables has started...

The above photo is from the "check in photos" on the MDS site - that's Tim's hands and his numbers! (good spotting by Mum & Dad!)

First stage: 33k

This is what the competitor's roadbook says:
03/04/2011 - STAGE N°1 :
Km 0 : Prendre direction S/E (cap 140°) jusqu'au CP1.
Go SE (course 140°) until CP1.
Km 0,2 : Cross small dunes then cross En Neijakh oued.
Km 0,9 : Slightly uphill for around 100 metres. Plateau with small pebbles.
Km 8,3 : Moderately hilly terrain.
Km 13 : CPI at the foot of Chebbi erg. Go S/SE (course 157°) to cross the dunes.
Km 26 : CP2 as you exit the dunes. Follow markings until you reach the cairn at Km 26.7.
Cross rugged oued. (Tamarix and camel grass).
Km 26,7 : From cairn, go S/SE (course 151°) until bivouac. Variable stony plateau, mostly flat.
Km 33 : Arrive at B2.

Tim's time: 5:13:59
Leader's time: 2:41:02

Tim's position: 195th/844 finishers (4 DNFs and possibly 1 DNS)
4th Australian out of 20

Second stage will be 38k


speedygeoff said...

Does one subtract the 2:32 "delay" off the 5:13? The "average" seems to imply you do, which means the "temporary results" haven't been sorted into net time order yet.

allrounder said...

I think "delay" in this instance means time behind the leader as they all started together...

speedygeoff said...

Oh yes, that looks right. Tim is well up place-wise then!

Ewen said...

I like the cartoon-style maps.

"Go Tim!" When you're running up those sandhills, imagine you're chasing Bron up the grassy slopes at Parly House.