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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 February 2011

Easy run...

hmm what have I been up to? not much really!

Sunday I walked Hux in the morning which included doing some cache maintenance for Suze - Hux got to eye the petting zoo animals at the Forde Community Festival while I replaced the cache log...then I caught up with more cricket stuff...

after picking Jodie & Suze up from the airport, Jodie & I found Suze's newest cache which uses a "chirp" to send info (when you are within 5-10m of the chirp) to your GPS so you can find the actual cache...very cool...

yesterday morning I undertook a free session ( a generic strength program) at a gym to get a feel for the facilities and staff with a view to undertaking a strength & flexibility program and this morning I was back for a fitness assessment so a program can be written up for me...I've signed up for 12 weeks and plan to go 3-4 times a week before work...

in all my time with various sporting teams, I've never really been that keen go to a gym...when we had to as part of our program I did and when I’ve had to do rehab for various injuries I’ve done it...so it will be interesting to see how I go given that I’m keen to do it by choice...

the Jets had a pretty tough session at training last night on the muddy lower field at Amaroo...after a series of intensive drills, we had a trainer who took as through some boxing & running combinations together push ups, sit ups, squats and burpees at the end of the session...then we had to do one final skills drill while tired - a good test for 4th quarter play...it was fun!

at the moment I can only make these trainings on Monday nights as I have baseball training on Wednesday nights...in fact the last game of the baseball season (the grand final if we make it) is on the same day as the first footy match of the season!

on the running front I'm just planning to do some easy maintenance stuff with 40-50min midweek runs once-twice/week together with long runs of 60-90mins when I can fit them in on the weekend...I don't have any goal events on the horizon other then the C2S where I'm keen to go sub 70...I'll have to sit down and mark out all my games etc on a calendar and see where I can fit races in...

pennant golf also starts this Sunday for the next 7 weeks (no game Canberra Day long weekend)...and if we make the final it will be on the same weekend that footy starts and baseball ends...!

I rode to the gym this morning and then on to work...at lunch I did a 40min run...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 22.2/52%
start time: 1:15pm
total distance: 6.93
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:47
total calories: 334
avg HR*: 154

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:03 [Z1: 93-111]
00:37 [Z2: 112-130]
08:05 [Z3: 131-148]
25:14 [Z4: 149-167]
00:58 [Z5: 168-185]

tonight I'm going to ride to Narrabundah ballpark to watch the ACT women play a C2 men's team (Ainslie Red Bears) in a practice match...both Jodie & Suze have made the first cut to 20...the squad will be cut to 16-18...and the tournament will be played in Canberra in late April...

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