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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 February 2011


helped out Suze (home plate ump) yesterday morning by base umpiring an U14 game at Majura at 9am...first time I've done that and enjoyed it...it was quite humid...

we played at 3:15pm v Indians, winning 16-7...played shortstop and didn't make any errors and also had three good at bats (baseball speak), including a double which scored two runs...

dropped Suze and Jodie at the airport as they were going to Adelaide to a "100th" birthday celebration - Suze turned 40 on 29 Jan and her mum turns 60 on 8 Feb...

mum and I then went to watch the Caps play Logan Thunder at the AIS...a good game with the Caps turning around a 10 point deficit early in the 3rd quarter to win by 20 points in the end (99-79)...

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