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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

12 September 2009

Day 8 - a run & a triathlon

Got out for a run this morning - headed out just after 7:30am and made my way around Diamond Head and back...hit the pool for a quick swim and spa!

8.77k in 51:48 (5:54 pace)...had a couple of stops for traffic on my way back to the beach...pretty humid...

Tim was pleased with his race at the Gold Coast - 2:05:40 (41st 35-39 category, 270th male overall)...

swim 22:43
ride 59:19
run 40:20

category winner did 1:57:31 and there were 109 in his age group...

Bob Harlow did 2:26:35 (13th 60-64 age group)...category winner did 2:11:57, 69 competitors...

spent the rest of the day caching and shopping...just for something different!!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Go Tim! That's a tough age-group. As is Bob's!