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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 September 2009

Day 5

today we used our early admission to Disneyland to do some rides we hadn't done yet then headed back over to DCA to do some caching (information gatering)...

we hit the Disney store in Downtown Disney...many dollars less later we headed back to the hotel...

tonight we went to the baseball - the Angels were playing the Mariners...it went to 10 innings with the Angels prevailing 3-2...

I'd bought the tix through StubHub which is kind of like ebay for baseball fans...we ended up sitting next to the person that owned the seats so that was cool...

a couple of foul balls headed our way - we were sitting behind the Angels dugout (third baseline) about 15 rows back - but none near enough to snaffle!

we'll be up and at it early tomorrow...we'll be leaving our bags at the hotel while we do some last minute caching/shopping/rides...

our flight to Hawaii leaves at 5pm...

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