About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 December 2007

Christmas 2007...

Merry Christmas to one and all...

haven't blogged since Friday (slacker!) so this is a bit of a catch up...

no running Saturday & no golf either after I woke up and saw the weather...instead went bike shopping (for Jodie) with Jodie & Suze...somehow ended up ordering one as well!...

we are both getting a Giant Alias...mine being one size bigger than Jodie's....figured if I was going to get myself an early Christmas present I'd make the most of it so ended up getting (a) semi-slick tyres so I can off-road & commute without having to switch and (b) Shimano clipless pedals with the "test" pedal so I can do quick rides without having to put my cycling shoes on...

Suze and I then did a few caches (including one where we disturbed a large 'roo hiding in the long grass as well as a fox) while Jodie did some family things...

had dinner at Tim & Sheona's place - my aunt & uncle (mum's brother) were visiting from Tassie - mum, dad, Suze & Jodie were there as well...an excellent night...

no running Sunday...picked up our bikes - I ended up getting new shoes & a wireless bike computer as well...

later in the afternoon tested out the bikes in Goorooyaroo and collected a couple of caches as well...saw heaps of 'roos and got up close to an echidna!

no running Monday (do you sense a theme??)...last day at work for me although got an early mark at lunchtime...did some last minute shopping in the afternoon...

that night saw "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" to continue our tradition of movies on Christmas Eve...

today...had a late brunch here with mum, dad, aunt, uncle and Jodie's mum all here...

then finally went for a run!!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.6/49%
start time: 3:26pm
total distance: 10.00
total time: 55:17
avg pace: 5:32
total calories: 749
avg/max HR*: 152/218

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:01 [Z2: 111-130]
19:12 [Z3: 130-148]
31:40 [Z4: 148-167]
02:10 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:38, 5:20, 5:24, 5:33, 5:34, 5:40, 5:39, 5:30, 5:26, 5:28

bit windy and cool but not...hard to explain...not a fluent run for this one either...

will be heading over to mum & dad's for dinner - a light one I hope after this morning's effort!!

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