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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

05 August 2007

Weekend Wrap...


very very poor round of golf :)...nowhere near my handicap...

after golf met Jodie to do a very tough inspection of the house Tim and his GF are renting in Palmerston (they were in Melbourne picking up his GF's stuff)....took 90mins and ended up in a 3 page typed report!

called over to mum & dad's to drop off the keys and report...got to see mum's knee without the coverings...very impressive bruising and swelling!...she can get around the house with one crutch...doing her exercises and icing regularly....will have physio in about 10 days...so all looking good there...

spent the rest of the night organising stuff for the Metrogaine...


we got down to Aranda playing fields by 8:30am...got the maps, control descriptions etc and spent the next 70mins plotting a route...

10:00am was the start with everyone to be back by 3:00pm before penalties came into play...some controls were flags with a punch while others were mutiple choice questions about the control...

we were back with about 9 minutes to spare...after checking in Jodie continued on to run to take her total over the distance we ran last year (she finished with 30.3k)...funny girl!...we visited 29 controls and scored 1390 points...will have to wait for the results to be posted to see how we went...will add a photo of the map and the controls we did...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 9.3/56% (rising to 11.1/51%)
start time: 10:00am
total distance: 29.07k
total time: 4:50:47
total calories: 1657
avg/max HR*: 132/194

*Time spent in HR Zones:
0:14:46 [Z1: 93-111]
2:06:13 [Z2: 111-130]
1:56:04 [Z3: 130-148]
0:34:22 [Z4: 148-167]
0:02:07 [Z5: 167-185]

a very quick bite to eat then it was off to the mPowerdome in Fadden for cricket training (3:30pm to 6:00pm)....started with a warm up & stretching followed by:

  • catching drills (tennis balls)

  • throwing session (cricket ball; breaking down the throw to basics: wrist, elbow, shoulder, step follow through)

  • divided into batting & bowling groups - I went with the bowling group where we did run throughs of action (no ball actually bowled), ladder drills (every step then every second to simulate a build up in the run up), medicine ball work on mini tramps (two feet stance as per bowling action, back foot only, front foot only - medicine ball above head from right side then from left side)

  • then switched with the batting group and did batting drills with tennis balls (drop drills - static then with step)

  • group fielding session (combination of ball control & fitness)

  • then finally finished with cool down & stretches
got home about 6:40pm for a well earned shower and rest...wearing skins now and have iced heel as per usual...

thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day!

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