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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 June 2007

C2S Goal...

Ewen asked on Monday "Will it be a pub crawl, or can you get down to 75 minutes in 6 weeks?"

if it was only 6 weeks I might be in trouble (!) but given there's just over 9 weeks until race day, my main goal will be to finish...I would also like to maintain my A1 start by doing at the most 74:59...assuming all goes well and I do the right things this should be attainable, otherwise I'll resort to the pub crawl post-race!!

FTR, last year's official time was 70:38...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

You can do it. If you can't run a PB, sub-75 is the big one.

Still 85 days? Come on... it's not that bad outside ;)