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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

14 May 2007

A busy weekend...


the "Brindabella Bridesmaid's Bash" went well...we ended up with a pretty full house with 21 visitors...I think I spent two hours solid at the sink washing up!!...it all finished up about 10.30ish as this weekend was the big Foursomes Championship with Suze's foursomes pairing defending their title (actually aiming for a hat-trick)...


up at 6:30am for my caching adventure over at Rob Roy Nature Reserve with two cachers I hadn't met before (trip organised by email)...we didn't go all the way to the top but the cache was located at 1007m, in fact the cache was simply called "1007"!...we also visited another cache on the way down ("Southern Views")...all up just over 2 hours travelling time & about 6.4k covered with an ascent/descent of 527m...

we then went our separate ways - I did two more caches after having breakfast..."Tuggeranong Top's" up Tuggeranong Hill (at 850m) and "Balboa" a cache in Calwell on a much, much smaller hill...I took the most direct route for Tuggeranong's Top, pretty much straight up from the Conder side with a somewhat gentler route down...that was roughly a 1.5k round trip in just under the hour with an ascent/descent of 280m...lots of scrabbling about on my hands on the way up!

from there it was over to Lennox Gardens to help with the set up for the mini jog & the 5k fun run...I then manned the turn in the 5k behind the National Gallery, cheering all 'n' sundry especially those I knew...after that the last competitors went around it was back to the finish to return my marker cones & snazzy safety vest...

I did one more cache to round out my day...this one in the Black Mountain Nature Reserve called "Thinking Laterally Again", a devilishly clever puzzle cache I was glad to finally finish...this one was a round trip of 1.7k in just over 35mins with an ascent/descent of 230m...I was powering along for this one!

Suze's foursomes pairing had a good round of 84 to take a 6 shot lead into the second & final round...


another early start, this time to help out at the Canberra Half Marathon....my main job at the start was to direct people, getting those who were late entries to fill in forms and pay and directing those that had pre-entered to the number pick up...I also provided pins and answered many miscellaneous questions...

after the start it was off to the finish to main the Merchandise tent...all the Half Marathon shirts were sold as well as about half a dozen of the ACT Cross Country Club running singlets...

the Merchandise tent was in a good position right behind the finish so I got to see most of the fast ones finish before the area started to fill up...

once I was done there it was off to see mum for Mother's Day...I gave her Louise Sauvage's book "My Story" (personally signed following on from the Sydney Cricket presentation dinner) as well as a card from the Breast Cancer Institute of Australia...for the past three years now I have been donating to the BCIA for Mother's Day...

after waiting for Tim to get home from a training session (a 20k ride followed by a 5k run where he averaged just under 3:40 pace for the 5k - I wish I could run 1k at that pace let alone 5!!), we headed out for a late lunch...

we drove through Hall before heading out to the Poacher's Pantry on Namima Rd...unfortunately it was fully booked but we had a good look around at their products and will come back another time...

we then drove to Murrumbateman - I got breathalyzed just as we hit town and, for the first time ever, had my licence checked - we ended up having a very nice lunch at the pub....

after dropping mum, dad and Tim home, I finally got to return home myself...

Suze's foursomes pairing had a bit of a shocker but managed to still triumph by 2 shots...

got a phone call to find out that I had managed to get a spot in the field for the Narooma weekend of golf (26-27 May) despite missing the cut-off for entry...so I have my first round of golf back this weekend (after missing 7 weeks) before getting stuck back into it...

Today I have my next physio appointment just before lunch...thankfully my left calf seems to have settled down...

I'll be asking about cycling and deep water running...if I get the go-ahead for cycling I'll start riding to work again and if I can do the deep-water running, Tim will do that with me....

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