About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 April 2007

Some exercise...


the junior HP cricket dinner went well...Mark & I were interviewed by the MC (Cam Sullins from Balls 'n' All on FM104.7) then we presented medallions to the HP squad of the Year...

mum and dad lent me a set of walking poles to assist with any geo-caching activities...


didn't do much Friday but went out to dinner to Musica e to celebrate a year since Jodie & Suze got the keys to the house...


acted as "water boy" for Jodie as she umpired at the ACTWAFL's pre-season carnival at RMC...she did 4 matches (10-15min halves depending on who was doing the time'keeping on the sidelines!)...i took the water out at half and full time...

during the first match I did 2 laps of the ground in the second half (I was talking to someone during the first half!)...during the second match I did 2 laps in each half (changing directions after half time!)...the third match was on a bigger field and I managed 1.5 laps in the first half...gave it a rest for the second half and final match though...

later in the day got on the bike for a ride with Jodie & Suze as we took Hux on a circuit of Yerrabi Pond...took about 35mins and covered around 5.4k...seeing as this was a success for me the plan is to do some more cycling, not quite ready for commuting again but definitely up for more of these efforts with Hux & Suze...

watched "The Guardian" on DVD that night...

Sunday (yesterday)

helped Jodie move the elliptical cross trainer into my room then we went caching out Uriarra Crossing way...did three all up and investigated plans for others which will require a fair amount of walking...

i also took some more photos of my heel which i will post later tonight...


got up early and spent 30mins on the cross trainer, watching the end of the Ireland v Bangladesh cricket clash...Irish eyes are smiling!

Cross Trainer stats:
time: 30:00
total strides: 3210
calories: 1003 (who knows what this figure is based on!)

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 158
max HR: 173

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:32 [Z1: 93-111]
00:32 [Z2: 111-130]
04:28 [Z3: 130-148]
14:05 [Z4: 148-167]
10:10 [Z5: 167-185]

worked up a fair sweat...the plan is to do this every morning from now on, except when i'm cycling with Suze & Hux...hopefully this will help when i eventually get back to running...

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