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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 August 2006

Weekend wrap...


did another progression run this morning, this time for 40mins...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 5.5/77%
start time: 8:17am
total distance: 7.52k
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:19
total calories: 562
avg HR: 156
finish temp/humidity: 7.4/73%

Time Dist. Pace AvgHR
13:40 2.25k 5:56 159
13:40 2.54k 5:14 148
13:40 2.74k 4:52 161

interesting that the average HR for the middle third is the lowest...

the weather was great for golf, a pity my game didn't match it although a good game is just around the corner (that's what i keep telling myself anyway!)

no massage today as mum & dad were in Sydney...

watched the Wallabies scrape home against the Springboks...


Metrogaine Day! up at 7am and down to the registration/start/finish (at the scout hall in Latrobe Park) just after 8am...Jodie & i plotted what we thought was a pretty good route in the time (5hr) available...

The control cards hanging, in anticipation of the start

the map (called Surfin' the Southside) covered all of Lake Burley Griffen, parts of Reid, & Campbell, and as far south as Lyons, Phillip, Garran, Red Hill & Narrabundah...approx 75 square kilometres...

The map, with the controls we visited marked off

we started right on 10am with 57 other teams (of between 2 to 5 members)...our route took us through Forrest, Kingston, Barton, Capital Hill, Parkes, Russell, Reid, Civic, Yarralumla, Deakin and back to the start...

Jodie leading the way to Control 56 - a Parliament House water feature

at each control point we had to answer a multiple choice question...each control was worth different numbers of points - controls numbered 10-19 were worth 10 each, 20-29 20 each and so on...

Control 42 (white arrow pointing to it on the right hand side): "Capital Hill Unconformity"

A view of Control 53

we visited places including Caph's at Manuka, Cafe Leila at Kingston, the Bus Depot Markets, the Brassey Hotel, new & old Parliament House, the Carillon, the Eagle monument (aka Bugs Bunny), Blundell's Cottage, the Nurses Memorial on Anzac Parade, Commonwealth Park, City Hill, Lennox Gardens, the Yarralumla Nursery, old Canberra Brickworks, and the Mint...at one stage we even cut through the Sri Chinmoy Half Marathon course!

A view from Control 66 back towards Commonwealth Bridge

we finished up pretty much following our planned course except in the last 90mins were we made some alterations to ensure we returned within the time limit...

Control 22 behind Deakin shops

we visited 31 controls (out of the 84 available) & gathered 1330 points, surprisingly enough to see us finish 2nd (only 30pts behind 1st) in the Open Women's category & 31st overall...we, in fact, had the same number of points as 3rd in our category but we returned 6 minutes earlier...

Click on map for a larger image

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 6.2/76%
start time: 10:00am
total distance: 30.17k
total time: 4:41:37
avg pace: 9:20
avg HR: 120
finish temp/humidity: 14.3/78%

Jodie did really well - the furthest she's covered in a concerted effort (actually the furthest i've gone as well)...we only had a couple of non-checkpoint related stops - one to deal with a developing blister on Jodie's foot and another being a toilet stop...Jodie's blister ended up being a doozy but it's all good this morning...

2nd place certificate - if you look closely (click on image), the printing in the background on the white half is part of the actual map

1 comment:

Aki said...

Yep, that's mad! :)