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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

14 July 2006

Time to start a new streak...

and not of the nude variety!

good turn up at Customs today & almost perfect conditions again with only a slight breeze off the lake...

Jodie was back to run and this time she was using her VP with the aim to run @ 5:50 pace...she managed her 3rd fastest time for Customs & 4th fastest for 5k with 28:51 (5:46 pace)...however, she didn't like the fact that he didn't slow down going uphill like her!

Aki ran today and started 15secs behind me, she came to within about 5m after about 1k or so and stayed there for about a k before slowing down...i'm getting better at recognising who is coming up behind me from either their footfall or their breathing!

today i just focussed on runners ahead of me and tried to reel them in...time at the turn was 10:49...had a big sprint finish with James S and Mike S, just pipping them both (also passed Jodie inside the last 100) for 11:12 on the return!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.6/71%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.01k
total time: 22:01 actual time 22:00:53
avg pace: 4:24
total calories: 374
avg HR: 174
finish temp/humidity: 10.6/72%

1k splits: 4:17, 4:19, 4:30, 4:32, 4:23

quite surprised & very pleased by this time as i've had a pretty heavy week for me in terms of the faster run sessions...it's in my top 5 quickest...my aim is to continue this new streak of sub 22:30 times...


been having a play with Photoshop & created an avatar for Jodie on CR based on her adidas shoes...yesterday i also uploaded a photo onto my CR profile based on the one Cato took at the GC (i already have a cool avatar)...

in the interests of making the most of my cool new camera, i've signed up to do a 6 week course through CIT Solutions on Digital Photography & Computers:

"This course will enable you to learn basic digital photography and digital imaging skills using your own digital camera and Adobe Photoshop image manipulation software. You will learn how to take great digital photographs on a range of subjects including portrait, landscape, documentary, macro/close-up and night. You will then learn how to enhance and manipulate your images in Photoshop. You will work on a set themed photo essay that will be exhibited in an online virtual portfolio exhibition."

the photo essay will interesting...that starts 8 August...


the weekend ahead:
saturday - easy 50mins + golf + watch the Wallabies beat South Africa!
sunday - easy 120mins + cricket training + drive to Sydney


i'm having next week off work (my usual mid-year holiday) and i'll be in Sydney playing golf at Avondale on Monday & Tuesday - Suze is playing in the NSW Ladies State Championships (handicap limit of scratch-12) while i'm playing in the Margery McWilliam Bowl (handicap limit of 13-25)...Suze is also representing our club in the NSW Club Champions Championship which is being played in conjunction...should be good fun...

while Monday is my normal rest day i'll be running around Wahroonga Tuesday morning - doing about 9k or so based on the "Wahroonga Wobble" map from the Sydney Striders website...we'll be back in Canberra Tuesday night unless one of us makes the finals...

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