About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 July 2006


as predicted, after yesterday's session my legs weren't very co-operative about making their way around the Customs course...but they didn't give up on me and i was happy to be out there giving it my best shot...

Jodie didn't run today due to a combination of being on holiday (slacker!) and rolling her ankle yesterday before leaving Hamilton Island...i think she should wear her ankle braces whenever she's standing up!

in fact there weren't many women out there at all doing the run today...FlashDuck (& Jodie) handled the timing, Cory was running plus a couple of others who i don't know and that was about it...

despite the sun it was still quite chilly...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 6.5/71%
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.00k
total time: 22:48
avg pace: 4:34
total calories: 374
avg HR: 166
finish temp/humidity: 7.5/67%

1k splits: 4:24, 4:35, 4:38, 4:39, 4:30

Scott I flew around the course twice, he makes it look sooo easy...i think just about everyone passed me (well, not quite, but close enough!)...i might have passed maybe 2-3 people myself...

Friar and Nick provided the usual run previews/reviews afterwards...Gordon M (a 5min PB in 80:06, 88th overall, 3rd M40-44) did the GC half as did FlashDrake (92:41, 409th, 5th M55-59)...


C2S update: mum & dad are coming with me to catch up with my ugly brother who will be starting with the preferred runners so i've booked our accommodation in the city...will be leaving straight after golf on the saturday...


the weekend ahead:
saturday - easy 50mins + golf + massage + BBQ (!)
sunday - easy 120mins + cricket training


Carolyne said...

You had a great run today!

If only I was burdened with such an 'Ugly' brother! Ha!

Friar said...

City To Surf or as they now call it, City2Surf, is a regular on our calendar, although we missed going last year, we'll do it this year.

Keep up the training.
Need a bit of hill work, but Heart break Hill is not as hard as some make out.

BTW I heard that Canberra times Fun Run forms are now available on the internet. :-)

Unknown said...

Hope to see you at the C2S! With those splits, I doubt that I'll have any chance of catching you though!

TD said...

Agree with Friar about HBH in the C2S, not as bad as they say. But there are some little pesky hills after that that need some thought. A busy weekend there for you Allrounder, living up to you blogging handle.

speedygeoff said...

Well done at Gold Coast Bron, it's getting better all the time.