About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

13 July 2006

Belated 1st birthday post...

my blog turned 1 on 4 July...hard to believe it's been over a year!

today's session was the dreaded 3 x 3k @ 10k pace with 90sec standing recovery...i last did this in March - the entry for that day questioned my sanity (an ongoing process) and saw me have doubts about finishing the session after the first 3k effort (i did!)...today i had no doubts about finishing it but my 3rd effort was hampered by something sticking into the underside of my second toe on my right foot* - i knew whatever it was was in my sock so didn't bother stopping but it did hamper my "style" (what little i have!) somewhat (well, that's my excuse anyway!)...

the conditions were near perfect with hardly a breath of wind...mind you we had an overnight low of -5.7 (!) and it was still only -4.9 (!!) when i caught the bus at 7:50am...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.8/45%
start time: 1.13pm
total distance: 13.92
total time: 1:19:07
total calories: 1046
avg HR: 153
finish temp/humidity: 11.8/41%

lap details:

light stretching108
6x80m 75-100% with walk recovery

fairly happy with that effort although i would have liked to be closer to 4:30 pace...9 March times were 14:40, 14:46, 15:08 so good to see the improvement from then...i get to do this session (lucky me) one more time before Sydney...i'll aiming for sub 14:00 times then...

* "injury" report - a small puncture wound which drew blood thanks to something sharp stuck in my sock, no lasting effects expected

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

probably an icicle.